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GatormanSep 14, 09:32 AMhere we go again
apple are on fire at the moment.....bring it on
I was thinking the very same thing! :rolleyes:
Over Miley Cyrus#39; Bong
p0intblankAug 23, 07:33 PMDamn, that's a lot of money. I hate that Apple gave in... but I guess they kind of had to, right? At least all the hate is over with. :)
miley cyrus bong rips. miley
EidorianJul 14, 09:53 AMsince the iMac uses a laptop chip this should be no surprise (its practically a laptop)
however merom (the mobile version of conroe or core 2 whatever) will drop in, so many people say ;)It's a mess to open up the iMac and take the heatsink/CPU assembly off. Even I think it's scary. :eek:

miley cyrus bong pictures.
TonewheelApr 4, 12:51 PMUnless that guard's life was in danger, there was no reason to shoot anyone, especially in the head. The placement of that shot was no accident.
That being said, I'm sure there are a lot of facts we don't know. Innocent until proven guilty, of course.
Your last paragraph is the only one you should have posted.
40 shots were reported to have been exchanged. FORTY. I'd say lives were most definitely in danger, and a trained law enforcement officer is not taught "shoot to hurt." You take down your target and end the ordeal.
Mily Cyrus#39; Bong Sells For
lifeinhdApr 23, 03:29 PMwhy would you tether to ur phone if u have an iphone?
I don't have an iPhone. I have an Android phone (out of necessity), and syncing is so f'd up that I never do it. So I use the Android phone for phone calls, tethering, and Internet away from Wifi, and my iPod Touch for everything else.
But I refuse to tether my iPod to my phone just so Apple can leave out the two 4GB chips and make the iPod even thinner.
miley cyrus bong photo. miley
andiwm2003Jul 14, 01:41 PMAfter looking at a chart of all the Core 2 Duo's, it seems like the most reasonable implementation would be to but the 2MB L2 cache Allendale cores into the iMacs (1.86ghz for the 17" and 2.16ghz for the 20") and the 4MB L2cache Conroe cores into the 3 Mac Pros (2.33ghz @ $1999, 2.66ghz @ $2499, and 2.93ghz @ $2999), with possibly and ultra-high end Dual 3.0ghz Woodcrest offering @ $3499 (I don't think economy of scale effects that likleyhood as Apple will already be purchasing them for their entire X-Serve line).
That's probably how I would roll it out if it were up to me.
while i agree with you general lineup i don't think the imac goes below 2ghz for marketing reasons.
i also think the prices for the 2.33 and 2.66 are simply too high. the performance gain will not be that much over the one year old dual core g5's. so the price should go down.
but in general i would be happy with any 4MB conroe model.
in a few weeks we will know.
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Roy HobbsOct 27, 09:34 AMSteve Jobs is a hippie.
In my opinion you can't have true hippie values and be a CEO of a major cooperation.
Miley Cyrus has been at the
Tampa TomMar 30, 01:38 PMHow cunning. Hire a linguist.
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mike2qOct 27, 06:01 PMI think someone was right when they pointed out that Apple was attacked because Green Peace believed that we as Mac lovers are all tree hugging hippies. I think this thread alone put an end to that train of thought.
This has NOTHING to do with environmentalism, president Bush, or freedom of speech. It has to do with a the organizers of a privately held event kicking out an attendee for violating the terms it had set. As the organizer and funder of the event it had every right to kick out anyone it saw fit for any reason. If green peace was making it slightly uncomfortable for Apples other attendees then they are very justified in their reaction.
Just my 2 cents.
Watch Miley Cyrus Take A Bong
AidenShawSep 10, 11:48 PMI've owned SMP machines in the past and often found it more useful to force CPU affinity of CPU-heavy tasks to a single processor, as Windows 2000 (which was current at the time) by default had a habit of swapping it between chips, resulting in a lot of cache-dirtying....
However, you could see some significant improvement in processing time on some non-parallelizable cpu-bound tasks.
I came to the opposite conclusion....
Running many compute-bound single-threaded benchmarks and apps - I saw how NT (pre Win2k) would balance across CPUs (that is, a "100%" compute-bound job would show each CPU running at 50%).
However, setting affinity so that one CPU was 100% and the other was 0% had no significant effect on the run times. (And by "significant" I mean statistically significant - I literally ran hundreds of runs in each configuration.)\\
By the way, with Win2k3 (and XP 64-bit, really the same system) you see much less "balancing" - a single-threaded app will stick to a CPU for much longer.
miley cyrus bong photo. miley
flottenheimerApr 28, 09:32 PMI bet ballmers goal is $5.99 billion profit next quarter.
Now, that's really, really funny.
Miley Cyrus Caught Getting
Elrond39Sep 26, 07:06 AMDid you even read the link?
Speculation is that O2 will have the exclusive rights to the iPhone in Europe. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think O2 is somehow connected to Orange. So it looks like the iPhone will have a carrier in Europe and the UK.
Well, that settles it... I'm waiting however long it takes for this to come GSM carrier-unlocked. I refuse to give up my current provider (because I'm getting massive minutes at a nice low cost), and I'm never going to buy a phone that's locked to one carrier, because you end up paying crazy amounts per month. Sucks. Well, guess this here T610 of mine will have to last even longer still.
miley cyrus bong photo. miley
mr.suffSep 18, 04:45 PMBy definition, 10MP phone cannot be as grainy as a 3MP phone. You do realize when someone says 10MegaPixel phone what they mean right?.
10 million pixels per square inch (before the tech police come out, this is a basic definition. I am aware an image does not have to be a square).
its not 10 million pixels per square inch. 10 million pixels is the overall size of the image ie x by y, at about 150-300 dpi, i think, but its defo not 10mp per inch^2
but anything above 3-5 mp in a phone becomes a useless waste because the sensor is stupid small.

miley cyrus bong photo. miley
andrewbecksApr 30, 10:58 PMHey everyone!
I finally converted my parents from an 8 year old PC that I built for them to an iMac...last week. Hearing the news that the new Sandy Bridge processors are due on Tuesday, what recourse do we have? Can we return the 21.5" for the new one? What sort of restocking fees, etc. would we incur?
Lucky for you and your parents, Apple did away with the restocking fees just a few months ago. As long as you return it within the first 14 days, you shouldn't have any problems or pay any fees.
miley cyrus bong hit. with
dukebound85Apr 25, 12:22 AMYou know what I hate more? effing speeders:rolleyes:
Scratch that....effing speeders who don't even have a years worth of driving under their belt and think it's safe to go 20 over
Man I wish the driving age was upped to at least 18
It's people like you who piss me off when I am riding my motorcycle as you guys are so effing unpredictable it is dangerous for everyone around you. Never mind my bike can easily outgun pretty much any car out there trying to go fast...
and you say you want to blow up cars obeying the law...unbelievable
Miley Cyrus Bong Controversy:
shartypantsMar 22, 03:37 PMWhy not, its best to move production to the newer processor if it costs the same.
that Miley Cyrus eminently
cadillaccactusSep 5, 03:57 PMBut as I said, for HOME viewing, is there a precedent for ads?
certainly not if you own the content. cds don't have ads, but radio does.
Check out the Miley Cyrus bong
ZeissMar 23, 06:14 PMAhh... America, the land of the free.... all rights and no responsibility. Its an insult to the concept of safe and responsible actions to think that an app that alerts you to a DUI checkpoint is OK. Speeding and red light is different, cause that STOPS people speeding and running red lights, but getting drunk (even moderately - you can still read an app and press a button on your phone) then knowing how to avoid the repercussions aint cool. And hey - try living in Australia - Random Breath tests and drug testing, but then the road toll here has significantly been reduced over the last decade - we have that wonderful campaign - 'If you drink, then drive - your a bloody idiot'!!
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kiljoy616Apr 19, 09:03 AMDo any of these suits ever actually get resolved?
Sure they do. Its basically mutual destruction idea. So Samsung at the golf course will tell their counter part at Apple I will give you 20% off our latest SSD and it will all be nice again in the tech world or at least until the end of the week. :rolleyes:
AmpidireApr 22, 01:43 PMI've decided the SB refresh on this machine will be my next purchase, it's perfect for me in school and I no longer need the powerhouse MBP I have now.
I just didn't wanna buy a C2D, the nVidia IGP is nice yes, but I don't game on my MBP as it is, so what do I have to lose other than weight..
seenewJul 15, 04:24 AM:( And I thought I was hot stuff with my 2GHz Core Duo iMac... Less than a month old!
Oh well, that's the way it always goes...
What's the probability of being able to drop one of the newer, more powerful chips into my iMac sometime in the future? I mean, I've got 2GB RAM and a 500GB HDD, and a 256MB video card... A newer processor down the line should work well, right?
toddybodyApr 22, 11:45 AMLove the style and miniaturization being tested out in the Air line. I'd never seriously consider one though unless they made a 15" version. I've been buying mid-size Mac laptops forever, going back to the 14" Wallstreet.
With my need for real estate (graphics and video editing) and limited use of optical drives and lots of I/O ports on a daily basis, that thin form factor and big screen would be just perfect for me.
Think it over Apple - thinner is better, but so is bigger!
Yep, my dream machine would be a redesigned MBP with a .75 inch thick body, no optical drive, dual storage drives (SSD BLADE + HDD), Ivy bridge, HD 6950m (equivalent) 2GB VRAM, and a 1200p 16:10 screen @ 15inches. Of course with all the standard Apple hoo ha (TB, HD Facetime...etc). And the battery life of R2D2.
Lesser EvetsMar 22, 03:45 PMI wonder when Apple will do that again re: GPUs. Ever.
Is it necessary these days? Back in 1999 it was still difficult days to just get video going at a good rate. These days it isn't hard to get good graphics.
What would be the use of redundant graphics? It must be a very small wedge of the market.
tbobmccoyMar 23, 05:40 PMIt's illegal. Police need to publicly announce check points before setting up. Ironic they would want to pull the app since this is the basis that makes them legal in the first place.
I'm not sure that's the case in Texas, but I will acquiesce since I don't remember that from school and also am typing on my iPhone. Either way, the app is still a good one, and shouldn't be removed.